Tag: aws

  • Using Layers with AWS Lambda

    We run some Python functions on AWS Lambda, and we originally used serverless. We set up the config files, node packages, etc. for that to deploy to our different environments. It worked pretty well. The main benefit is that serverless packaged up Python dependencies and deployed them with our main function code. Believe it or…

  • AWS Git Push Rejected – remote: error: Unable to create application version: null

    I was trying to push to AWS through their CLI, and I got this error: remote: error: Unable to create application version: null … ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> master (hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to … I doubted that the issue was common enough that I would find a useful answer…

  • PHP: The difference between the sqlsrv (Windows) and mssql (Linux) drivers

    Summary: sqlsrv is the PHP driver for Windows environments, mssql is for Linux. The mssql driver and functions used to exist in PHP on Windows but are now deprecated. Connection settings/syntax used with the sqlsrv driver may not work with mssql. We had to change the hostname from “hostname,\port_number”; to “hostname:port_number”;   Lesson # 1:…

  • Getting the Value of a count(*) Query in SimpleDB

    Summary: AWS SimpleDB queries return a multidimensional object, not a simple value. Look at the returned object to see which property you need and how to reference it.   When my app creates users, it firsts checks to see if the username entered by the new user is already in use. I do that with…

  • AWS SimpleDB and Auto Incrementing Primary Keys

    I wanted some of my items in simpledb to have unique identifiers. SimpleDB does not provide this function natively because it’s not an RDBMS. Here’s my solution: Before inserting a new item, get the id from the last item in the domain with this select: $query = $sdb->select(“select id from `domain` where id is not…

  • Explicitly Setting an AWS SimpleDb Region in PHP

    I am experimenting with AWS SimpleDB on a new PHP project. When I attempted to query a domain, I got no response. I used firephp (firephp.org) to log the result of the query in firebug. The result was a CFResponse object. By looking inside the object, I saw that it produced a “No such domain”…